Gatorback Cycle Park is a pretty big place, so if you have a driver’s license you can save yourself some walking by either bringing your own pit vehicle or renting a golf cart for the week of Mini O’s. A pit permit is a privilege extended to our campers and racers.
Violating the rules can lead to disqualification of the event and being removed from the property.
PIT VEHICLE PERMITS: Pit vehicles can only be operated by permit. The cost of a permit for racers is $75
- NO Motorcycles, Mini-cycles, ATV’s or electric bicycles with throttles
- You cannot uses a race bike as a pit bike. You can only ride it to staging, on the track, and directly back to your pit area.
- Four wheeled vehicles with a maximum width of 65″ only permitted (See chart of approved pit vehicles below)
- Operators must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 16 years of age
- Speed Limits is 13 MPH
- Pit vehicles use hours: 7 am – 10:30 pm daily; lights required after dusk
- All passengers must be seated
- Pit vehicles are PROHIBITED in the following areas:
- Motocross Track or anywhere inside the track fence
- Any property adjacent to Gatorback Cycle Park
- Past signs that say DO NOT ENTER or NO TRESSPASSING
- Pit vehicles may not be operated in a reckless, careless or dangerous manner and may not be operated by anyone under the influence of alcohol
- Pit vehicle use is a privilege, not a right, which privilege can be revoked or terminated for any or no reason at the sole discretion of Unlimited Sports
- Unauthorized pit vehicles will be confiscated
- Violation of any of the above rules is grounds for penalty, including but not limited to confiscation of pit vehicle, disqualification of racer, and/or ejection from facility
Q: Can I bring my Honda 50 mini bike and use it as a Pit Vehicle?
A: No, Pit Motorcycles are not permitted.
Q: I purchased an electric Surron for my 13 year old daughter to ride at Gatorback. Can she ride it?
A: No. There are two issues, electric motorcycles are motorcycles and not permitted at the Gatorback Cycle Park and your daughter is not 16 years of age.
Q: My husband has a Kawasaki Teryx S LE. Can we use it as our pit vehicle?
A: Yes. The Kawasaki Teryx S LE is on the approved list of pit vehicles.
Q: Our team sponsor wants to give us a Can-Am Maverick for the week at the Gatorback Cycle Park. Is it on the approved list?
A: No, the Can-Am Maverick is over 65″ wide and is not allowed